To: The New Hampshire State House, The New Hampshire State Senate, and Governor Chris Sununu

New Hampshire Marijuana Legalization Initiative

It's time citizens of the Live Free or Die state joined the ranks of those states where citizens are truly free to make their own choices on how they enjoy recreational use of a relatively benign intoxicant, when compared to tobacco or alcohol. We are one of the few states that can't get an initiative on the ballot by petition, unfortunately, but we can get so many signatures that our state legislature can't ignore us if they value their jobs. Recent polling information states that in excess of 60% of voters support legalization, so why don't we make our elected officials take notice! Please do your job, members of the legislative body; make your constituents proud to be Granite Staters and join the ranks of modern U.S. Policy makers.
Thank you all for your time and consideration.

Why is this important?

I have been and still advocate for medical marijuana, decriminalization and marijuana legalization, as well as drug abuse and addiction treatment reform. Drug overdose deaths in Colorado have gone down 25% since legalization was voted into effect. A side note: Motor vehicle accidents of all kinds have been reduced by 10% as well, not to mention the medical benefits and the amount of prescriptions that can be replaced, which I really hope isn't the real thing keeping these laws out of the house and senate floors, by way of 'Big Pharma' interest lobbies.