To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

new W.P.A. ( Working Progress Admininstration )

WE, agree that -a NEW 21st Century W.P.A. ( Working Progress Adminstration), is needed and required to sustain our great nations' future vibrance. meaningful salaries and live-able wages, with restoring our national parks and heritage jewel sites, that have much need for rescue, Energy Climate change endeavors to Environmental remediation efforts,etc.-

Why is this important?

Veterans and American Citizens-continue to endure the worst-ever financial / survivability: a new 21st century W.P.A. managed by UNIVERISTY institutions; more VETERANS and American CITIZENS can be hired, just like back in the GREAT DEPRESSION ERA, there are such plethoras of Creative Talent and Knowledge Workers who must be in the EMPLOYMENT arena.
