To: Christopher Cerf, Superintendent of Newark Public Schools and Governor Phil Murphy

Newark Board of Education against Public School Students

Superintendent Chris Cerf,
It has come to my understanding that Science Park High School initiated a principal search on June 26, 2015. In which the job posting was published on Linkedin, Idealist and Ed Link. It is reported that no candidate eligible for the position have been interviewed. More distressing is that four months have lapsed and no update has been given on the the resolution of this process. I demand accountability on the process. I expect the LSC to ensure that SPHS continues to represent an opportunity for children to excel in Newark!
Angela Campos

Why is this important?

Science Park High School (SPHS) is the top achieving public school in Newark, NJ.(1) It has thrived through fiscal cutbacks and a state takeover within an economically impoverished community. The students score 99% proficiency on Language and Math AP/IB exams.(2) This culture has been nurtured under the guidance of strong leadership, Individuals who believe in the children of Newark and strive to make this a competitive school. This culture has been maintained through a community-based hiring process. In which parents, staff and students past or present interview candidates and select leaders to continue this vision.
In June of 2015 Lamont Thomas resigned as principal in response to state pressure to privatize education. Upon his resignation Cami Anderson was removed as Superintendent of schools in response to parental backlash at her inadequacies to provide for the students and her misappropriation of power to privatize education in Newark.
At this pivotal point, on June 22, 2015 Brad Haggerty, Assistant Superintendent of Newark Public Schools (NPS) met with the Science Park High School Leadership Search Committee (LSC). He as representative of Newark Public Schools agreed that the LSC would work in collaboration with the Newark Talent Search Department in interviewing ideal candidates. Since the appointment of Christopher Cerf as Superintendent the LSC has not received communication from NPS.
As a stakeholder within this school and the community I urge you to sign this petition urging Superintendent Cerf to uphold this process. The LSC is a subset of the SPHS Student Leadership Committee (SLC) an organization meant to uphold professional and academic standards in schools through representation of Parents, Alumni, Students and Staff.

1.The Newark Public School. US News and World Report. 2015.
2. The Newark Public School. US News and Work Report. 2015.
