To: Susan Chapman, First Selectmen
NF Selectmen: Give Back $123,368 to our Schools
Dear Selectmen: Please return $123,368 to the schools before the end of this Fiscal Year. Thank you.
Why is this important?
The New Fairfield Board of Selectmen took $123,368 from the School District's Debt Service for school construction account in order to cover their deficit spending. Despite the Voters restricting this account for school construction or debt reduction in 2009, despite the Town voted for TWO separate budgets in 2014, despite State law requiring a Town Vote for transfers in excess of $20,000 between Departments, and despite the moral and ethical issues, the BOS took money from our children (and never asked nor informed the Superintendent of Schools or the Board of Education). Before the Fiscal Year ends on June 30, ask them to restore those funds to the schools.