To: Libby Schaff, Mayor of Oakland

NFL vs First Amendment

It has come to our attention that the NFL (National Football League), a private agency which receives substantial tax payer subsidies, has been actively suppressing the constitutionally protected right to free speech of their employees. Their actions include threat of fees for their expression, and financial ruin via conspiracy to deny employment to highly qualified personnel.

Free speech is protected under the First Amendment of the United States constitution and should not be abridged. These behaviors, representing the United States of America, should not and cannot be endorsed by any government representing the United States of America in any form. We then respectfully request that these agencies be denied access to public land and property until such time restitution has been provided to those who have been wronged.

Why is this important?

The purpose of this petition is to penalize the NFL in Oakland, California for its blatant abuse of their players' right to free speech and protest.
