To: Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director, National Institutes Of Health
NIH: End Your Silence On Sub-Optimal Breathing And High Blood Pressure
Please call on The National Institutes Of Health to end their policy of silence regarding essential hypertension and sub-optimal breathing and to educate the American people about the importance of sound breathing to health, well-being, and longevity.
This is especially critical for older Americans who do not have the financial resources to waste on needless and inappropriate consumption of medications that have side effects ranging from mild to life threatening.
This is especially critical for older Americans who do not have the financial resources to waste on needless and inappropriate consumption of medications that have side effects ranging from mild to life threatening.
Why is this important?
62 million Americans suffer from "essential" or "primary" hypertension - which NIH offers "has no known etiology". This costs Americans ~$80B/year on medication and related medical costs. The number of Americans affected is growing rapidly as the baby boomer population moves into maturity.
The fact is that sub-optimal breathing, breathing with insufficient depth, is the fundamental cause of essential hypertension. Anyone suffering from hypertension can test this by checking their blood pressure before and after a period of relatively slow deep breathing.
The silence by NIH and the American Heart Association amounts to lying by omission, the only plausible explanation being to benefit the medical-industrial complex - specifically big pharma who nets many 10s of billions of dollars every year from the unsuspecting.
Americans fund the NIH through our taxes, however their policies aim to benefit the industrial establishment vs. American citizens.
Please stand with me to demand that the NIH end their silence regarding sub-optimal breathing and high blood pressure.
Thank you.
The fact is that sub-optimal breathing, breathing with insufficient depth, is the fundamental cause of essential hypertension. Anyone suffering from hypertension can test this by checking their blood pressure before and after a period of relatively slow deep breathing.
The silence by NIH and the American Heart Association amounts to lying by omission, the only plausible explanation being to benefit the medical-industrial complex - specifically big pharma who nets many 10s of billions of dollars every year from the unsuspecting.
Americans fund the NIH through our taxes, however their policies aim to benefit the industrial establishment vs. American citizens.
Please stand with me to demand that the NIH end their silence regarding sub-optimal breathing and high blood pressure.
Thank you.