To: David Hespe, Officer of Commissioner Education, William Haldeman, Office of Chief of Staff, Barbara Horl, Office of Legislative Affairs, Kathleen Duncan, Office of Controversies and Disputes, Joanne Restivo, Office of School Ethics, Dian...

NJ: Say No to PARCC (Decir “No” al PARCC) & High-Stakes Standardized Testing ( y Exámenes Estanda...

Testing in NJ will now become more frequent for our children! As parents within New Jersey Schools, we do not support PARCC testing NOR any other high-stakes standardized testing.

Why is this important?

We do not believe in frequent high-stakes testing for children. We refuse to subject our children to yet another standardized assessment that negatively impacts their curricular and instructional choices. The data that will be stored on our children without a parent's permission is a violation and should be stopped immediately.

We, the undersigned, believe that using test scores to evaluate teaching and learning is unjust and inequitable. Rather than pouring time, energy, and money into a new testing program, we demand that the district and the state reevaluate the ways in which they measure school and student achievement. New Jersey students deserve better.

No creemos en exámenes estandarizados de riesgos altos. Rechazamos presentar a nuestros hijos con exámenes estandarizados que afectan negativamente sus opciones de enseñanza e instrucción. La información que se collecta de nuestro hijos sin autorización parental es una violación y debe ser parada inmediatamente.

Nosotros, los firmadores de esta petición, creemos que el uso de esta examinación para evaluar la enseñanza y el aprender es injusta y inequitable. En vez de invertir tiempo, dinero, energía, y dinero en examinaciones nuevas, exigimos que el distrito y el estado re-evalúen las maneras usadas para evaluar el progreso de las escuelas y los estudiantes. Los estudiantes de New Jersey merecen mejor.
