To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, and Governor Phil Murphy
NJ - VETO and FIX the 5cent Bag Tax Bill
We are urging Governor Murphy to veto and fix a the Bag Fee Legislation with actions that will truly make a difference. The New Jersey State bill (A3267/S2600) only sets a 5-cent fee on all single-use plastic and paper bags throughout the Garden State. We need to change the bill to include:
• Phasing-out and banning bags by 2020-2021
• Protect towns that want or have strong laws
• Charge 10-cent fee on all other bags
• Dedicate the funds to help reduce litter and lead in drinking water
• Requiring enforcement of and education about the law
Support our environment and SIGN PETITION BEFORE AUGUST 22nd ahead of the Senate and Assembly meeting on this issue!
• Phasing-out and banning bags by 2020-2021
• Protect towns that want or have strong laws
• Charge 10-cent fee on all other bags
• Dedicate the funds to help reduce litter and lead in drinking water
• Requiring enforcement of and education about the law
Support our environment and SIGN PETITION BEFORE AUGUST 22nd ahead of the Senate and Assembly meeting on this issue!
Why is this important?
The supporters of We are SURE, Single Use Reduction Effort believe we can do BETTER New Jersey! Our beautiful state deserves a better bill that changes behavior and takes single-use plastics out of our everyday lives. We are all connected we need to change our ways for the health and well being of our planet! This is a powerful start!