To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards

No, Bobby Jindal. We Don't Want a $608 Million Education Budget Cut

Louisiana Residents care more about higher education than making sure Governor Bobby Jindal can continue traveling all over the country to promote himself as the next President of the United States prospect. We want to ensure that higher education in this state is valued more than some political "ploy" that he has up his sleeve to "look good".

Why is this important?

I am tired of hearing about Governor Bobby Jindal slashing the budgets of what really matters, like Education and Health Care, for the state of Louisiana. I am tired of his traveling across the US to promote himself as the next President of the United States prospect.

I want to tell our sad excuse of a Governor that we demand better for not just our kids, but also for the state of Louisiana as a whole.

Education will bring back the state from the brink of whatever cliff he's trying to run us all over. Education is the background to success. And Louisiana as a whole needs a little more success and a lot less chopping away at the Educational system.
