To: Harper Collins, CNN, President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No Book, or Movie Rights for George Zimmerman!

George Zimmerman should never profit from the death of Trayvon Martin on the night of Feb 26th, 2012. I am asking the people to sign this petition that will prevent book publishers and movie studios, from offering Mr. Zimmerman millions of dollars to tell his lies in a book, or show on television as his version of a tv movie. Don't let this happen, please sign the petition now!

Why is this important?

George Zimmerman claims to be so sorry for what happened. Yet, he stands to make millions selling his story to book publishers and even movie studios the right to make a television movie. This petition is meant to make sure Zimmerman never profits from his actions on Feb 26th, 2012. Yes, he is a free man, but he did not lose a child. He admitted how terrible it was, yet he could now become a millionaire. I am asking you the public to sign this petition to prevent Zimmerman from profiting from killing Trayvon Martin that night.
