To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

no budget no pay

If the President does not submit to Congress before February 1, of each year then he or she forfeits six months pay and is bound to the Washington area until such time a budget is proposed. The House of Representatives and the Senate are to have until March 31, of each year to vote on a budget, if a vote is not taken all members of both houses forfeit six months pay and are not allowed to recess until such time a budget is voted on. A budget is to be signed into law by May 31, of each year, if not the President, and Congress forfeit six months pay and are duty bound to the Washington D.C. area until such time a budget is signed. All forfeitures are to go toward the national debt.

Why is this important?

It is time for the American public to make a stand against the stalemate that has been created in Washington. It is a lack of communication, cooperation and leadership that has brought about the chaos that exists in Washington today. It is the President, House of Representatives and the Senates responsibility to create a budget. They have not done so. If it can happen now it can happen in the future. We owe it to our children, and our grandchildren to stop this maddness and hold them accountable.
