To: Elfan Ap Rees, Deputy Leader, North Somerset Council

No car parking charges for Portishead Lake grounds

We are strongly opposed to the introduction of parking charges at Portishead Lake Grounds as we believe it would significantly affect visitor and volunteer numbers at the open-air pool and would jeopardize its future.

Why is this important?

North Somerset Council have just approved the introduction of parking meters in W-s-M town centre. It is now very likely that they will also look at parking charges for other areas including Portishead Lake Grounds. Currently customers, staff, and volunteers can park within walking distance of Portishead Open Air Pool and stay all day if they wish. The significant extra cost of parking will lose us customers and the volunteers needed to run the pool. If you care about this wonderful facility, which so many local people fought to save from closure four years ago, we urge you to sign our petition to ask NSC not to introduce parking charges to the lake grounds.
