It is time for Congress, the Senate and our President to get busy & solve this Fiscal Cliff.: Leave Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid alone as The Government Stole Our Money to use for other Questionable Reasons. "SO NO CHRISTMAS FOR ANY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE, SENATOR OR THE PRESIDENT, THEY MUST STAY IN DC AND FIX THIS MESS" The business at hand is more important Than Their Three Week Break, So They Stay and Fix It,
Why is this important?
Making Our Elected Officials, remain the session, continuing to work on and solve This Fiscal Cliff Dilemma, I cannot afford a TAX INCREASE. RAISE the TAXES On all people who make more than $250,00.00 Not The Middle Class and The Poor. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I and Millions upon Millions of American People Pay into the system each and every month and the Government Stole Our Money and Must replace it.