To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No cuts in Social Security & Medicare entitlements

Cuts to Social Security & Medicare entitlements are detrimental to the economic security of all seniors that depend on these entitlements to pay for their daily needs and later life higher than average medical expenses. Meanwhile those that will legislate these cuts have separate Social Security & Medicare contracts. Restructuring these entitlements for the Democrats & Republican politicians could equalize the playing field by redirecting the funds from the elected into the coffers of the electorate...

Why is this important?

Understand that the very same members of the Senate and Congress OF BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS who threaten legislative cuts to Social Security and Medicare HAVE NEITHER ENTITLEMENTS. Instead of thinking cuts for the seniors that is a lifeline in our later years when medical needs and daily living are paramount initiate legislation to require those Senators and Congressmen to be merged with those that elected them and remove the outrageous retirement entitlements that no electorate person comes close to..It's never to late in the game to get this done. We the people have spoken. is anybody listening?