To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No deal cutting SS, Medicare and Medicaid with tax increases for the Rich

Honorable Mr. President and Members of Congress,

Social Security and Medicare were created in order to prevent old age poverty of the neediest of Americans. Any privatization or cuts in these "entitlements", for which those Americans worked and paid for throughout a lifetime, are totally unfair and unnecessary, just as it is unfair to raise the retirement age and expect people to work into their late 60's when no one wants to hire or retain them. This is supposedly the richest country in the world, yet when it comes to its own citizens, it prefers to preach self reliance. Mr. President, I urge you to let the Bush tax cuts expire and not sell Social Security, Medicare as well as Medicaid down the River in a deal with self-serving hypocritical Republicans like Paul Ryan. It is time for the rich to give back to the country and its people who made it possible for them to accumulate these riches in the first place.
Thank you,
Lydia Bell

Why is this important?

Honorable Mr. President and Members of Congress,

Social Security and Medicare were created in order to prevent old age poverty of the neediest of Americans. Any privatization or cuts in these "entitlements", for which those Americans worked and paid for throughout a lifetime, are totally unfair and unnecessary, just as it is unfair to raise the retirement age and expect people to work into their late 60's when no one wants to hire or retain them. This is supposedly the richest country in the world, yet when it comes to its own citizens, it prefers to preach self reliance. Mr. President, I urge you to let the Bush tax cuts expire and not sell Social Security, Medicare as well as Medicaid down the River in a deal with self-serving hypocritical Republicans like Paul Ryan. It is time for the rich to give back to the country and its people who made it possible for them to accumulate these riches in the first place.
Thank you,
Lydia Bell
