To: Sen. Daniel Akaka (HI), U.S. Senator from HI, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), U.S. Senator from RI, Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT), U.S. Senator from VT, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (WV), U.S. Senator from WV, Sen. Jack Reed (RI), U.S. Senat...


Champion Senators:
PREVENT A DEAL ! Filibuster if you have to, but LET the Bush tax cuts expire so the upper 2% again pay their fair share and there are NO CUTS to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security!

Why is this important?

The "fiscal cliff" is actually, a "fiscal slope". Without a deal, the Bush tax cuts expire and the upper 2% will have to again pay income taxes. The senate can then introduce a bill that reinstates the cuts to the middle class. Republicans will have to help pass that bill to avoid further jeopardizing their future elections.