I urge you to protect our drinking water, homes and environment by denying the SandRidge permit to drill a fracking well near Rio Rancho.
The toxic results of using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas have led to the contamination of drinking water, earthquakes and dangerous explosions in states across the country, among other issues. In order to protect our essential water resources, we need to keep drilling and fracking out of our communities.
Protect your constituents by denying the SandRidge permit to drill.
Why is this important?
An energy company from Oklahoma wants to frack near Rio Rancho in a residential area. Fracking can contaminate drinking water, can cause earthquakes and decreases property values. This dangerous, industrial practice should NOT be allowed near our homes.
The Sandoval County Planning & Zoning Commission and the County Commission are considering this proposal — we MUST make it clear that this permit should not be approved.