To: President Donald Trump
No Friends? No Guns!
Prospective gun buyers should have a cosigner who agrees to share the responsibility of any criminal action commited with the weapon.
Why is this important?
Once again we are hearing about a LONE gunmen killing innocent people. This time it's a theatre in Colorado. The problem is not just this individual and itis not the film, the theatre or the movie-goers. The problem is that we continue to sell guns to unstable individuals who are usually described as loners with no friends. My proposal is that we require every prospective gun buyer to have a cosigner. The cosigner would have to show proper ID and, with their signature, state that they 1) are not a relative, 2) have known the gun-buyer at least one year, 3) trust the gun-buyer to be a rational individual free of any psychological problems, and 4) share the responsibility equally with the gun-buyer for any criminal activity perpetrated with this weapon.
History shows that lone gunman are not upstanding citizens and members in good standing of their local gun club. For that reason, I belive this law would not be oppossed by organizations like the NRA. In fact, I would expect the NRA to endorse this petition because it would help keep guns out of the hands of psychotic individuals that give gun-owners a bad name.
History shows that lone gunman are not upstanding citizens and members in good standing of their local gun club. For that reason, I belive this law would not be oppossed by organizations like the NRA. In fact, I would expect the NRA to endorse this petition because it would help keep guns out of the hands of psychotic individuals that give gun-owners a bad name.