To: wellcare, ceo, Governor of georgia, and The white house
No help for the. elderly
i want the people to fight for the right to have life saving devices when they need them and not worry about the bottom line to see how many dollars they can make.I a fighting to get the help that the elderly deserve.Insurance companys don't care.And when the represent the goverment they are even worse.
Why is this important?
Ok i am PISSED, i get a call from the company that gave my dad a oxygen machine and tells me that he can't have it anymore because he can't afford it. i call the medicare provider who says oh well theres nothing that we can do by the way the provider for medicaid is wellcare the worst. the company that says there coming to take a life support system is extrakare,I told them that no way in hell is anyone taking this machine. Now i know with all the smart people i went to school with they have a idea what can be done, because if they take this machine he will not survive. He has copd,asthma,and empazema.