To: The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, and Governor Mike Parson

No justice for Christopher Todd Marks

No justice for Christopher Todd Marks! We need harsher punishment for criminals in Missouri who harm children.

Why is this important?

My brother, Christopher Todd Marks, a 12-year-old boy, drowned in the Meramec river in August 2012. His stepdad, Todd Combs, provided alcohol for 7 minors that day. He was recently sentenced to just 1 year in county jail.
Todd Combs has a previous record of 7 DWI's, previous domestic abuse charges, and assault charges. This man deserves to be put away for good. He is a criminal & Christopher did not get justice!!
Help get this to our governor and legislature. We need harsher punishment for criminals in Missouri who harm children. They are all running free and making the world a dangerous place.
