To: candidates for Congress, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
No Lobbying Pledge
Pledge that if you are elected to Congress, you will not become a paid lobbyist when you leave. Candidates can sign the pledge here:
Why is this important?
Congressional approval ratings are at an all time low, and with good reason. Between 1947-1948 President Harry Truman's infamous "do nothing" Congress enacted 906 laws—ours has passed a mere 173. The promise of a lucrative future as a lobbyist makes elected officials ignore the needs of the people while catering only to fat cats and special interests.
I feel as though my government does not work for me, and that Congress has lost touch with America. This has happened, in large part, because the revolving door has turned it into a farm league for K Street. It's time for Congress to return their focus to the common person and take seriously the job we elected them to do.
I feel as though my government does not work for me, and that Congress has lost touch with America. This has happened, in large part, because the revolving door has turned it into a farm league for K Street. It's time for Congress to return their focus to the common person and take seriously the job we elected them to do.