To: Senator Elizabeth Warren, Committee on Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs, Jay Bray, CEO NationStar Mortgage,LLC, and The United States Senate

No More Bank Racketeering From NationStar Mortgage!

I would like to ask all of you for help with this company; so many People are in need of help. This company, NationStar Mortgage, preys on the vulnerable Americans in this country.

Why is this important?

NationStar Mortgage, led by no other than Jay Bray and his Gang of Thieves, has managed to foreclose on many disabled people as well as the elderly, the working poor and minorities of this country. This has got to be stopped. If you are one of these people, andJay and the Gang has gotten your mortgage via Bank of America, please know you are not alone. Jay and his Gang from NationStar Mortgage have started in the last 3 years to place fees that they can not explain on your mortgage. Are you that person that has a fixed mortgage that has had your mortgage payment go up? Are you that person that paid off your mortgage; NationStar has not given you ANY THING to say you have paid such mortgage. Are you that person that has been given the run around when you ask why your mortgage will never be the same payment again due to fees NO ONE in that Company can explain? Are you that person that gets a bill each month that keepsd getting higher with Jay and the Gangs racketeering methods. Jay was part of Bank of America's Prime Lending Department before the Government said, "No more." Jay Bray was rewarded by becoming Chief Executive Officer and Director of --YES you got it -- NationStar, located in Lewisville, Texas. ​Jay Bray MUST BE STOPPED.​ NATIONSTAR MUST BE STOPPED! ​You can check out the damage from this company; just type NationStar Mortgage complaints​. Please sign this petition and pass it on. This will be sent to Senator Elizabeth Warren.
James of Cornville, AZ on June 5, 2014 With many previous problems with Bank of America in very poor record keeping, misappropriation of funds and NO follow up on my two attempts at Refi. Jan. 2013, our mortgage was transferred to Nationstar. It has been a nightmare since. TERRIBLE record keeping, rude and insulting customer service reps, failure to correct their errors and now threats of foreclosure. An 'F' rating from Dallas BBB two months ago! Since Day 1, I have kept meticulous, DETAILED records, talked to more than 40 people with no resolution! Errors ruined our Credit ratings. This treatment made both me and my wife VERY ill, including hospitalizations. I have discussed, mailed, faxed my complete records dozens of times. I wrote to Mr. Bray, CEO, with complaints and records. Not even the courtesy of a reply from his office, and no corrections. I filed complaints with CFPB, Attorneys General in AZ and TX, Texas BBB, Senator Warren and now the DOJ. I have had two past heart attacks and NOT likely to survive a third. Wife spent 8 days in Acute Neurological Center for severe seizures caused all this stress. If they do steal our home, we stand to lose $40,000 in down payment and buy-down - ALL our lifetime savings. I am going to TV Investigators to take this public. There is doubt my life has been shortened as a result of this unnecessary stress. I am now 70 years old and this has taken a huge toll on our health. I have done EVERYTHING conceivable to clear up their mess, but they are so intractable, rude and disorganized in correcting their errors!! There are too many people like my friend that this is happening too.
