To: The Arkansas State House, The Arkansas State Senate, and Governor Asa Hutchinson

No more common core for Arkansas

Stop common core in Arkansas! Other states have stopped it because the parents pulled together, Missouri being one of them. That's right next door. Let's get this stopped for our children and for our future!

Why is this important?

My son tested at genius levels in kindergarten in a non-common core state where he lived with his father. After moving to Arkansas to a common core state, he is struggling to just stay right below average. The homework for 2nd grade is several hours every night and my step daughter who is in the fourth grade has 3 to 4 hours of homework each night that I can not help with. The kids are so stressed and overwhelmed by this new way of learning. Most I know have started having self esteem issues. The teachers also don't agree with it. It just needs to stop.
