To: Mick Zais, SC State Superintendent of Education, The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

No More High-Stakes Standardized Tests in SC

South Carolina public schools spend too much time and money preparing for and administering high-stakes standardized tests. We do not believe that high-stakes testing is a fair or appropriate way to assess students or rate schools and teachers. We do not believe that a student's test score should be used in a pay-for-performance plan for teachers. We want to see an end to high-stakes testing, and a return to meaningful learning in the classroom.

Why is this important?

High-stakes standardized testing has a negative impact on schools, teachers, and students. Our state has plans to adopt a pay-for-performance model to grade and punish our hard-working teachers. Accountabilty and control of public schools needs to return to local communities. Help save our schools!
