To: Carlos A. Giménez, Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Barbara Sharief, Mayor of Broward County, Melissa McKinlay, Mayor of Palm Beach County, Sen. Rick Scott (FL-2), The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and Pres...

No More Inedible School Lunches!

We're tired of frozen, mystery meats and pizzas that are a total embarrassment to Italy. The food that is shockingly still being passed in the U.S. public schools is outrageously disgusting; plain and simple. It's shameful to continue this noxious cycle for these kids, thus we need your help to change this ASAP!

Why is this important?

We need to change the menu. Our country is sadly the #1 country with the highest obesity rates, estimated at 160 million Americans being overweight. The outcome of the public schools' foods has been deteriorating these children's health level, and the scale is dropping even lower. Not only is there obesity, but there's a high rate of anemia, which is a condition of losing healthy, red blood cells caused by a poor diet and insufficient exercise. Already thousands of parents have complained about the foul food that is dared to reach into their children's bodies, but there are still so many schools that allow containing frozen and artificial foods, including vending machines filled with chips and chocolate bars. We need a change now!
