To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
No More Newtowns
Congress should ban sales of assault weapons to private individuals; Register all guns at point of purchase, including gun shows; Reguire registration after transfer, gift or subsequent sale of all guns--we demand registration of cars whenever sold or traded, we should require the same for Glocks; Ban weapons, concealed or not, in public places, such as places of worship, schools and theatres. Establish penalties for violations. Require local, state and federal authorities to share with each other and enter into the NICs all information of criminal and dangerous mental health conditions. Expand mental health assistance for those in need.
Why is this important?
Comprehensive registration of guns at point of purchase, and registration of guns at subsequent sale, transfer or gift of guns; halting sales of assault weapons and mass gun clips; and expanding mental health services to those in need. Whatever can be done to reduce the likelihood of another mass killing should be explored.