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To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

No More Red Light Cameras in Florida

American Traffic Solutions, has hired 23 lobbyist to fight the anti-red light camera legislation being introduced in the Florida Legislature.
This is the company that manufactures & charges municipalities for the use of red light cameras. For so long they have advocated that these cameras prevent collisions & promote safety, but this is far from the truth as there has been no reduction in collisions.
ATS is profiting & municipalities have been using there services unfairly to ticket drivers without any or little in the way of defending yourself as you could in a court of law.

Why is this important?

Corporate lobbyists are influencing & lining our politicians' pockets. Instead of doing what is best for their constituents, they are acting in their own best interests by accepting campaign donations.
Stop the greed!



2023-07-04 07:23:40 -0400

50 signatures reached