To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

No More Unlimited Terms 4 Congress

I believe the biggest reason why there is mass dissent in our country rests more in the congressional chamber RATHER than the White House. Our nation is FAR too complacent with representatives whom introduce a non-changing perspective on the path our country should take, delegating mid-20th century solutions for a 21st century society. And while most government offices (e.g. the presidency) have term limits, Congress does NOT. New faces are needed to help keep our leadership honest and we as citizens no longer make excuses for the problems in our nation as we get far too comfortable with someone we know because we're afraid of the unknown. It's a gamble, but more of the same is not something that rests blame solely on the White House.

Why is this important?

I propose a limit of three 6-year terms for the Senate, where as the House of Representatives to have 6 3-year terms instead of the current. Unlimited terms for members of Congress is the reason nothing has changed in Washington.