To: The New Mexico State House, The New Mexico State Senate, and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

No New Mexico Food Tax

The New Mexico Municipal League wants New Mexico Law Makers to tax food in order to provide for the General Fund and some other areas in which the State needs money; ie: maybe education (not guaranteed).

Say NO to taxing food.

Middle-class families are barely able to pay their bills and buy groceries. A food tax will push more families into unexpected poverty levels. The stress of not being able to afford normal monthly expenses will rip families apart.

Tax on food is not a healthy choice or a sound decision for the New Mexico People.

The news has already reported that..... "Fred Nathan with Think New Mexico says it would mean more stress on families. “Re-imposing the tax on fruits, vegetables, baby food and other groceries would hurt families and be very damaging to New Mexico's economy,” Nathan said. Nathan says bringing back a food tax is a step backward and that only two other states still use it. He also says it discriminates against large families and lower-income families."
(Source: KRQE -

Encourage our Government to find another way to locate the monies they will need, other than taxing our food and forcing families to starve.

The New Mexico Municipal League and people who support this tax currently have stable salaries and employment and have never had the opportunity to worry about poverty or "how to feed their families or themselves." They are taking advantage of the middle class and the poor who struggle every day to provide for their families. It would not be fair to empty out the food banks because a family cannot afford to buy food at a middle-class level. It would not be fair to force a parent (especially a single parent) to take on a second job in order to buy food. Parents "need" to have "family time" with their kids.

SUPPORT the People of New Mexico and sign this petition: "NO FOOD TAX" - thank you!

Why is this important?

Food should never be a taxable item. Families barely survive with the expenses of rent, water, gas, electricity, and mortgages. Everyone needs to have the opportunity to afford "healthy foods," and healthy foods cost money. This tax will hurt everyone in New Mexico, especially at the middle-class level, in time; especially single parents. This tax will force people to buy "cheap" foods and cheap foods cause obesity and other health issues. Taxing food is WRONG and UNHEALTHY.

Encourage the Government to find a better choice to fulfill the needs of the State when it comes to money. Thanks for reading and thanks for supporting.
