To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown
No Outdoor Gun Ranges in Rural Residental Towns!
The Oregon Legislature and Governor Kitzhaber have to change the gun laws for owning and operating outdoor gun ranges! Currently anyone can own a private gun range if their land is zoned rural residential. Residents in the town of Seal Rock, Oregon have been fighting a commercial gun range for at risk youth for 3 years. There are 2 cases pending in the court system regarding this range: One is at the Oregon Supreme Court determining whether County zoning laws supersede State zoning laws and the second is at the district court awaiting the Oregon Supreme Court's decision before its trial can begin.
An outdoor gun range should not be allowed to be built into an established community. It should not be allowed to operate on wetlands that drain directly into a body of water (in this case the Pacific Ocean) and it should not be allowed to operate to the detriment of already established businesses (bed and breakfasts have had to close). My driveway is located 750 feet from the gun range's driveway. The owner of the range does not live on this property but in another town. When he and "friends & family" target practice they do not use shot guns but semi-automatic guns. It sounds like a war zone!
The gun laws in Oregon must be updated to reflect the changing times. Outdoor gun ranges in established rural residential neighborhoods should not be allowed! Please sign this petition to get the laws changed.
An outdoor gun range should not be allowed to be built into an established community. It should not be allowed to operate on wetlands that drain directly into a body of water (in this case the Pacific Ocean) and it should not be allowed to operate to the detriment of already established businesses (bed and breakfasts have had to close). My driveway is located 750 feet from the gun range's driveway. The owner of the range does not live on this property but in another town. When he and "friends & family" target practice they do not use shot guns but semi-automatic guns. It sounds like a war zone!
The gun laws in Oregon must be updated to reflect the changing times. Outdoor gun ranges in established rural residential neighborhoods should not be allowed! Please sign this petition to get the laws changed.
Why is this important?
The town of Seal Rock, Oregon, has been fighting the opening and operation of an outdoor gun range for At Risk Youth for three years. The range would operate from dusk to dawn, 7 days per week. The noise pollution, lead pollution, risk of potential uncontrolled bullet spray, increased traffic and possible increased juvenile crime are not what the residents want for their quality of life!