To: Lowell C. McAdam, CEO, Verizon, John G. Stratton, Exec VP Verizon Enterprise, Roy Chestnutt, VP Strat Development & Planning, Nancy B. Clark, Sr VP - Operational Excellence, and Roger Gurnani, Exec VP - Chief Info. Officer

No Porn on Verizon!

Verizon defends decision to offer incest and child themed porn on video-on-demand. We, Verizon Customers, therefore will boycott Verizon until such policy is changed!

Why is this important?

It has been reported that Verizon is defending its decision to provide hard-core porn titles with child and incest themes. The company was included in the 2014 Dirty Dozen List of pornography’s leading facilitators, compiled by Morality in Media (MIM), a national organization that opposes pornography. Verizon needs to show some corporate responsibility!
