To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No Prisoner Sex Changes Funded With Tax Dollars

Overturn the ruling of U.S. District Court Judge Jon Tigar who ordered the funding of a prisoner's gender reassignment surgery with tax money.

Why is this important?

A federal judge ordered California's corrections department to provide a transgender inmate with sex change surgery. U.S. District Court Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco ruled that denying sex reassignment surgery to 51-year-old Michelle-Lael Norsworthy , who's birth name is Jeffery Bryan Norsworthy, violates his constitutional rights.
Corrections officials, in previous court filings, argued that Norsworthy has received proper medical and mental health care for more than 15 years and is in no immediate medical danger if the surgery is not performed. His care included counseling, mental health treatment and hormone therapy that the department said "has changed his physical appearance and voice to that of a woman" while helping him find his gender identity. That care is consistent with what other judges nationwide have found to be appropriate for transgender inmates, the department said.
Norsworthy has been in prison since 1987, serving a life sentence for second-degree murder and has a history of domestic violence. He has twice delayed his scheduled parole hearings in recent months while awaiting a ruling on his gender reassignment surgery.
This elective surgery could cost the already heavily burdened tax payers up to $100,000. Norsworthy is a convicted murderer who has been a tax burden on the people for nearly 30 years. As a prisoner, he already receives superior medical care when compared to many honest and hard working citizens. Why should we the people front the bill for this non life saving surgery for a violent criminal when most law abiding citizens could not afford the same surgery?
If this ruling is upheld, it could lay the case law foundation for many repeat occurrences. Norsworthy has delayed his parole hearings twice which leads to speculation that he is willingly keeping himself incarcerated solely to receive this elective surgery on the tax payers dime. Do we really want to lay the groundwork for future abuse of the system where people commit crimes with the intent of being sent to prison and forcing the tax payer to fund their elective and cosmetic surgeries?
It's time to take a stand. Let our government officials know that the people of the United States of America will not sit idly by and watch our tax dollars wasted. Thank you for your support.
