To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No Real Estate Taxes For Seniors

Senior Home Owners are hit hardest by Real Estate Tax increases. They dutifully paid their taxes during their earning years but because of the weak economy, many were forced into early retirement with Social Security as their main or only source of income. Even with the Senior Real Estate Freeze and Exemption policies, annual R/E tax increases to them of 15% are not uncommon. Current assessments can equal more than 30% of a senior’s Social Security income.

In Bensenville, IL R/E taxes were raised astronomically for the school budgets even though thousands of Bensenville families were displaced outside the school districts du e to the O’Hare airport expansion.

They actually raised taxes for schools even though there are less students to teach.

This is an example of extreme government greed that hurts seniors the most.

It’s time to stop penalizing those who can afford it the least before they are forced into foreclosure.

Stop the government from stealing the quality of life Seniors have earned. Give Seniors a break and remove them from the tax rolls entirely.

They’ve earned it.

Why is this important?

Senior Home Owners are hit hardest by Real Estate Tax increases. They dutifully paid their taxes during their earning years but because of the weak economy, many were forced into early retirement with Social Security as their main or only source of income. Even with the Senior Real Estate Freeze and Exemption policies, annual R/E tax increases to them of 15% are not uncommon. Current assessments can equal more than 30% of a senior’s Social Security income while all seniors have not had a COLA increase in 3 years.

In Bensenville, IL R/E taxes were raised astronomically for the school budgets even though thousands of Bensenville families were displaced outside the school districts due to the O’Hare airport expansion.

They actually raised taxes for schools even though there are less students to teach.

This is an example of extreme government greed that hurts seniors the most.

It’s time to stop penalizing those who can afford it the least before they are forced into foreclosure.

Stop the government from stealing the quality of life Seniors have earned. Give Seniors a break and remove them from the tax rolls entirely.

They’ve earned it.
