To: Mitt Romney, RNC Candidate for Presidednt of the U.S.A.
No redeeming qualities in Republican Party Candidates
Be it affirmed by signing this Petition that the individuals who sign it find it both repugnant and untenable that a person with the political record, endorsements and public statements made by Mitt Romney would be seriously offered on the Ballot this November as the Presidential Candidate representing the Republican Party!
Why is this important?
Recently another shocking disclosure about the character of Mitt Romney has surfaced. Rather than directly and honestly explain his atrocious behavior bullying students in high school; he simply laughed it off! It is obvious from his statements during this campaign and his long history of supporting tax breaks for the rich and other such stands favoring an elitist agenda, that he is not capable of holding office as the Chief Executive of this Nation, representing all of the People. Bush has already permanently driven this Nation into debt and set a precedent for outrageous policies as President. Can we afford another incompetent elitist in the Presidency? Sign this petition to assert your abhorrence at the RNC position of supporting Romney's candidacy as the Chief Executive, and clearly registering your support for Barack Obama in his bid for a second term!