To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, and Governor Matt Bevin

No religious Indoctrination in Kentucky Schools

We the undersigned are opposed to any legislation making any demand or offering any option that involves the teaching of religious dogma to our children. We ask our legislators to resist those that would through guile attempt to thwart the civil right of separation of church and state. It is not the place of the government through any instrument to indoctrinate any faith.

Why is this important?

Recently there are has been a push by Kentucky Republicans to force Kentucky Schools to teach creationism in science classes to indoctrinate what is "faith"and "religion" based dogma as potential truth. My daughter Emily does not need to be assaulted with the "faith" of others insisting a religious myth is true. Public school is not about indoctrinating faith and this needs to be halted. This indoctrination of faith imposes on the sanctity of families to instill in their children that families system of beliefs and means of discerning truth.