To: County Commisioners and Citiy Councils, All County Commissioners and all City Councils, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

No sale of Liquors within 1000 ft from schools and 300 ft from a church, public hospitals and res...

TABC Beverage Code Sec 109.33 to be changed to make it mandatory that no sales of alcoholic beverages be sold within 1000 ft of publice or private schools and also set 300 ft for a church public hospitals and residences as the minimum distance from their property line and the business property line(not from front door to front door.),.

Texas Education Code 38.007 change the code that any School Board regardless of its location size be allowed to inform the county or city council it is located in to adhere to their ALCOHOL-FREE SCHOOL ZONES.and not allow sales within 1000 ft of their property line and the business property line (Not from front door to front door).

Why is this important?

State Law allows Commisioners Court and City Government to set the rules for Liquor Licenses and can allow these to allowing the selling of liqouor within 1000 ft for schools. We would like for the state to set the minimum distace to be 1000 ft from public and ,private schools. There should also not be any sales within 300 ft of a church, public hospital and residences.