To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

No Sales Tax Cuts for Businesses!!

The current consideration for eliminating the sales tax that businesses pay must be put down like the sick horse that it is. It is not fair that the citizens of Florida must pay a sales tax on products we buy and not include businesses in that tax structure.

EVERY Time Gov. Scott signs a tax break for business, there is less funding for the rest of the state to use for paying its bills or services such as Public Safety, Education, and Government.

For example: In 1999-2000 when then Gov. Bush cut taxes for business, we were left with no funding to adequately man the Forest Fire Watch Towers during the wildfires present at the time.

Furthermore, each business tax cut brings with it an increase in utility taxes for the Public and cuts in services that protect and assist the citizens of Florida. For example: Gov. Scott cut hundreds of millions of dollars from Education and Public Assistance to cover the hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate tax cuts.

This must stop!!!

Businesses should pay their fair share of taxes just like the general public.

Why is this important?

There exists among our elected officials a logical fallacy that when you cut taxes for businesses there is a "Trickle Down" effect.

Eliminating the State Sales Tax for businesses will place an undue extra burden on the citizens (that is living breathing humans-not corporations) of the state of Florida.

Every time the state cuts taxes for businesses, I pay more in user taxes such as utility fees and surcharges.

Furthermore, Public Safety, Education, and Assistance are made to 'bite the bullet' to cover the revenues lost by cutting taxes.

It is a logical fallacy that cutting taxes results in job creation. It wasn't true for Reagan, Bush (all 3 of them), Crist, or Scott and it isn't true now.
