To: President Donald Trump, Governor Kate Brown, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No Sequester; People above Corporations and war.

We voted for Positive change in the last election. Not the kind of change the Republican's and their corporate masters want. Preserve Social Security, Medicare, social programs etc. A good economy for one is a good economy for all. Not just the top 1%. The 99% do not want a Sequester. There is time and money enough for everything. Exterior security is no security at all.

Why is this important?

Obama and the Senate have enormous power and should act to Stop the Republican's and the agenda of their Corporate Masters. We are saving our own lives and those of Teachers, Police, Firemen, Seniors, Kids and many others including the Mentally Challenged the poor and the middle class. As all of Nature is united and one and interconnected we Human Beings also are a one life and one with all of nature. And that could be the inspiration to thwart the evil that the Republican Party has become; Act for all not just the Corporately rich. Preserve Social Security, Medical and all social programs. Keep the bigger promises.
