To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No taxation without representation

Residents of the District of Columbia pay full federal and local taxes but have no voting representation in Congress, despite the fact that members of Congress totally control the city, including how our own city taxes are spent. Residents of D.C. should be able to vote but, according to the founders of our country, if we can't vote, we shouldn't have to pay federal taxes.

Why is this important?

The Colony of Columbia has a nonvoting member in the House and no representation in the Senate. We (theoretically) elect a mayor and District Council member, but our own tax dollars are controlled by Congress even though we don't have a vote.

Over the years, votes on many progressive issues (gun control, medical marijuana, and even the placement of a firehouse) have been overturned by Congress despite the wishes of the local citizenry. If they won't give us home rule and a vote in Congress, we should not be paying for Congress to decide how to use.
