To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

No to a New Bracero Program-Guest Worker Program

Within the Immigration Reform proposal proposed by Democrats and Republicans is a guest worker program. We say NO! to any new indentured servitude program, a state managed program to import cheap, controlled and disposable labor from countries like Mexico and those in Central America and the Caribbean.

Why is this important?

The immigration reform proposal currently on the Obama political agenda contains a new Bracero Program, termed "a process for admitting temporary workers." Having a new Bracero Program in something called Immigration Reform is no reform at all, it is a step backwards into indentured servitude, slavery. We must oppose any new 'temporary contract labor program.' Unfortunately, a temporary worker program remains on the Obama version of immigration reform. Let's be firm in our opposition to any new guest worker program and make no deals in order to get justice for the undocumented. On this see Julia Preston, "Obama Expresses Confidence in Early Action on Immigration" (NYT Nov 14, 2012). Among the various actions in the proposed legislation is a new Bracero Program now pegged, or better sanitized as "visas available for farm workers."
Gilbert Gonzalez