To: Mehaul O'Leary, Vice Mayor, Culver City, Jim B. Clarke, Councilmember, Culver City, Andrew Weissman, Councilmember, Culver City, and Jeff Cooper, Councilmember, Culver City

No to Billboards, Yes to More Funds for our Cities and Schools

The City Council of Culver City - voted 4 to 1 (with Mayor Sahli-Wells dissenting) to move forward with a 'visioning process' for a Hospitality & Entertainment District that would increase signage (billboards) in certain locations in the City. We are disappointed that the City Council is accepting to move forward to bring additional visual blight to our City. Especially when the proposal comes from the Carlyle Group, a multi-billion dollar asset management firm, which represents large commercial interests. These are the same large commercial interests which organized with the Culver City Chamber of Commerce to oppose a resolution to support closing the loophole in Prop 13 that allows commercial property owners to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Our cities and our schools need additional funds, not billboards!

Why is this important?

I live in Culver City and have two kids in our schools. All of our children would benefit from our schools being properly funded. We need real money for that, not billboards.
