To: Governor Gavin Newsom

No to Credit checks for job applicants

Stop allowing business to use credit scores to discriminate against applicants.

Why is this important?

In California and maybe in the rest of the country it has become common practice to do credit checks on applicants and then deny them a job soley on the result of their credit. My wife has applied for nearly 50 jobs since moving to California and october and it has become clear to us that on a number of occations when she was flat out told she was the best applicant, she was denied a job soley based on her credit report. Why is this wrong? because this disproportionately will affect certain groups of people. Just because you have bad credit does not mean you are an irresponsible person. Especially when you consider the recent economic down turn. Also just because you have good credit does not mean your responsible. Groups that will remain disproportionately affected include anyone who was not born with a a silver spoon in their mouth including minorities, immagrants (legal or illegal), single mothers, and so on. My wife and I are going to be okay because I have a good job. But this is simply unethical and we cannot stand for this. Please join me in saying no to this classist, racist, sexist practice.