To: The Nebraska State Senate and Governor Pete Ricketts

No to Keystone XL Pipeline

We Nebraska citizens managed to get the Keystone XL route out of the Sandhills by putting lots of pressure on our governor and legislature. Now a member of our state legislature is proposing a new route through Nebraska--through north central Nebraska. We have wetlands in northeast Nebraska and we have the Niobrara River through the northern part of Nebraska. These are not safe areas either. There are no safe areas for pipelines for dirty tar sands oil. The safety of the planet requires that we do not produce any more tar sands oil. We do not want the Keystone XL Pipeline anywhere and as Nebraskans we need to make sure we stop it in Nebraska.

Why is this important?

The Nebraska legislature is proposing a review of a new route through Nebraska for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Last fall we citizens fought to have the Pipeline out of the Sandhills. Now they want to put it through possibly north central Nebraska.