To: Ralph Adame, Director of Community Management, The Texas State House, and The Texas State Senate

Noise Restriction

Restrict noise (sound) levels in Luckey Ranch subdivision to less than what causes windows to rattle or walls and floors to vibrate, or pain/ another discomfort for the residents. Based on safe exposure guidelines, the recommendation is =< 65 dB between 10 PM and 8 AM daily and < 85 dB between 8 AM and 10 PM daily.

Why is this important?

Living in close proximity to other households who enjoy parties, especially outdoors, my family and other neighbors suffer when the volume (dB) is excessively high or the bass is obnoxiously felt inside our floors and walls. The sound from parties nearby should not be so loud that we get migraines, nosebleeds, panic attacks, and other telltale signs of prolonged exposure to high decibels. For all other noise levels, common respect to a normal sleep cycle is all we ask.
