To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Non-Partisan Election Officers

The chief elections officer or secretary of state in every state shall be a non-partisan office; candidates for this office may not declare a political affiliation on the ballot. Candidates for this office may not hold an official position in, or be affiliated with in any way, any political campaign in any state for two years before they hold office, during the entire term of their office, and for five years after they leave office.

Why is this important?

Katherine Harris in 2000. Ken Blackwell in 2004. Need I say more? Why on earth is it legal for the chief elections officer in any state to be a partisan, or to be affiliated with any campaign? This is an outrage. What an obvious conflict of interest. Ken Blackwell promised he would deliver Ohio for Bush in 2004, and he did. Ask anyone who waited for 10 hours in the rain to vote in Democratic enclaves how he did it.