To: Paul Fraim, Mayor, Anthony Burfoot, Vice Mayor, Marcus Jones, City Manager, Dr. Terry Whibley, Councilwoman, Barclay Winn, Councilman, Tommy Smigiel, Councilman, Andy Protogyro, Councilman, Angelia Williams, Councilwoman, and Paul Riddic...

Norfolk Mayor Fraim, Council Members & City Mgr. Jones: Order Police Chief to release files on bo...

Release the investigatory and internal files related to the Police Department's botched handling of a complaint by a female rape victim from the 19th Bay Street area on or about April 26, 2012.

After her complaint, as you know, the serial rapist and sexual sadist went on to assault two more women and attempt to assault another, but those possibly could have been prevented had the officers involved conducted themselves in an appropriate and professional manner instead of assaulting the victim's credibility.

The residents and taxpayers of Norfolk pay the salaries of police officers and expect transparency in their mission to protect and serve, and that they be held accountable when they fail in that duty.

Why is this important?

Norfolk police officers are paid by and accountable to the taxpayers of Norfolk. So, when they fail in their duty to protect and serve as in the alleged gross misconduct related to a woman's reported rape by Loredo in the 19th Bay St area in April 2012, we have a right to know, especially since the serial rapist she identified went on to sexually assault two more women and made a thwarted attempt in another one. A female that you or other residents of this city care about could have been a victim due to the careless and unprofessional conduct of the officers involved.
