To: The North Carolina State House

North Carolina Legislators: Stop HB 467

HB 467, introduced at the urging of big hog corporations, will essentially eliminate the right of poor, predominately African American and Latino North Carolinians who live near grossly polluting hog factories, from suing for damages to their property and health. Stop HB 467, an assault on fundamental civil rights.

Why is this important?

I have worked with the Rachel Carson Council for years to help people in North Carolina fight the harmful health and climate effects of massive waste from industrial hog and chicken farms. I was shocked and alerted our North Carolina members when HB 467 was introduced at the behest of the Chinese holding company, WH Group. It owns the Smithfield Corporation that has the largest number of polluting hog facilities in North Carolina. This bill is a blatant give away and protection for the Chinese and the big polluters who harm the people we work with across the state.
