To: The North Carolina State House and The North Carolina State Senate
North Carolinians for Erin's Law
We are concerned citizens of North Carolina who fully support the efforts of the legislators of the House and Senate who are working to make Erin's Law a reality in North Carolina. We support this endeavor because to empower children with knowledge that will prevent them from becoming victims of sexual molestation is both right and responsible.
Why is this important?
It is critical to support a law that will require age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education in grades
Pre-k through 12 grade.
Since 25% of all female children and almost 17% of all male children "will" be sexually molested, and 80% of these children will not report such molestation, a law to prevent the occurrence and empower children to report attempts or an actual incidence of sexual molestation, is critical to the safety and health of the children of North Carolina.
In addition, since North Carolina spends over $62,675,735 each year on the direct and immediate costs of child sexual abuse, to be proactive in preventing sexual abuse on children, will reduce funds now spent to address the aftermath of such abuse. Such funds would be better used to prevent childhood sexual molestation, which further establishes the benefits and need of Erin's Law being a reality in North Carolina.
Pre-k through 12 grade.
Since 25% of all female children and almost 17% of all male children "will" be sexually molested, and 80% of these children will not report such molestation, a law to prevent the occurrence and empower children to report attempts or an actual incidence of sexual molestation, is critical to the safety and health of the children of North Carolina.
In addition, since North Carolina spends over $62,675,735 each year on the direct and immediate costs of child sexual abuse, to be proactive in preventing sexual abuse on children, will reduce funds now spent to address the aftermath of such abuse. Such funds would be better used to prevent childhood sexual molestation, which further establishes the benefits and need of Erin's Law being a reality in North Carolina.