To: District 47 School Board

North Elementary: Keep Our School Safe

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Remove the child from North Elementary who brought a pocket knife to school and give this child the special attention that this child needs.

Why is this important?

District 47 Board Policy Section 7:190 states a knife is a weapon & the student shall be expelled for a period of at least 1 calendar year unless modified by the Superintendent or the Board.

Our child is a student in this classroom and has been personally affected by this troubled child for the last 2 years. This child is known by other students, teachers and parents because of this child's issues with physical & violent aggression towards other students over the years in the classroom & at recess.

We have zero tolerance for weapons in schools and believe every child has a right to a safe learning environment.
