To: President Donald Trump, The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, and Governor Kevin Stitt

North Tulsa Development

"We, the undersigned, call on the City of Tulsa Mayor - Dewey Bartlett, Governor of Oklahoma - Mary Fallen to help our city continue to grow by urbanizing North Tulsa's historical sector known as "Northridge" with development and renovation funds."

Why is this important?

Our community is falling apart. In the area of 36 to 46 street North in Tulsa, Oklahoma; the area known as “Northridge” needs renovation and development. As citizens, the people in North Tulsa have the right to have their neighborhood's urbanized and renovated to promote community development for all areas of Tulsa. Our duty as tax payers and citizens give us the right to fight for equal opportunities as a community and resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma. "The Northridge shopping center" needs to be called just that and the area needs retail outlets, grocery stores, political work stations, and more corporate activities designed to help the citizens in North Tulsa and Turley Oklahoma live more economical. Within these areas, the purpose of development and renovation is to aid in creating more jobs opportunities for North Tulsa and more economical ways to grow as a district by giving Northridge outlets to help those within the North side district take advantage of community based activities to promote health and wellness as citizens. Renovation in North Tulsa will bring our crime percentage down, help families to grow and get degrees, produce more revenues as tax payers, and create a new Tulsa with hope to focus on the low income communities. This will also help those on government assistant programs be a productive citizens by helping them get off of government programs and allowing them a opportunity in corporate america.